Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Dogon, Sirius, and the connection to Genesis

Throughout the 1930’s and early 40’s two French anthropologists Germaine Dieterlen and Marcel Griaule, spent nearly twenty years on and off in Mali Africa studying and living with an African tribe called the Dogon.  They are an ethnic group which is located mainly in the administrative districts of Bandiagara and Doutentza western Mali. The area they live around is composed of three topographical regions, the plains, the high cliffs, and plateaus.  In photographs you will see villages built on the side of the cliffs, like some western American Indian cultures. Segregated from the rest of western African tribes around them, for not converting to Islam of the past few decades, they hold to true to what they believe in how the world was created.
Dieterlen and Griaule on many occasions, documented ancient knowledge  told to them by the Dogon’s high priest, which he is labeled as the Hogon. He is most known for healing mental illnesses by using astronomical knowledge and believes every man and woman has a star brother or sister, which is very similar to the Hopi American Indians beliefs, that of the space brothers and star sisters.  Dieterlen and Griaule were told that an amphibious race of beings desended from the sky, into the water and came ashore. In time they would teach the Dogon civilization, farming, and astronomical knowledge of where these Nommo( the name of which the Dogon called them), came from, as well as this solar system, just like the Sumerians.  The two anthropologist, quickly learned that the Dogon had obtained astronomical knowledge of the Sirius system which is only 8.6 light years away. Sirius A. is the brightest star in the night sky and can be best seen during the winter months.  But that’s not what make the Dogon tribe so mysterious and special. They, in fact described a second star orbiting Sirius A , Sirius B, which was discovered in 1862 by Alvan Clark(an American telescope maker), while testing a new lens and focusing on Sirius A.  Somehow the Dogon new of this star dating back to their ancient history, and even knew of its oliptical orbit around Sirius A of 50 years.  Sirius B is a white dwarf, the smallest form of star that we know of in our Universe. They describe this star of being the heaviest in their system and to be made out of metal. Calling it “Sagala” and explaining how it weighs all the seeds in the universe according to their mythology. Sirius B in Dogon language is PO-TOLO, TOLO means star, and PO means small, coming to the conclusion that this small star is the heaviest?

Sceptics say that this knowledge could have been easily been past down from western cultures due to the advanced technology that they harnest, but that’s not it as you will soon read that this isn’t the only mystery! The Dogon also describe a third star, Sirius C, which was discovered by NASA in 1995, concluding that this was no intervention of any western cultures!  They call it EMME YA.  To these amazing people, the “Nommo” are from a planet that orbits this third star. Both Sirius B and C are invisible to the naked eye. Another interesting point is that the Nommo’s planet is known as pure earth, and our planet here is known as impure earth.
These beings, according to their ancient past, are the masters of the water, and came to earth at one point in time were considered the monitors and the teachers.  Could this be the same people described in the Bible and the Book of Enoch as “ the watchers”? Though these beings were often described as fish like people, and described as serpent like, serpent like? Making a quick and very interesting connection I have come across has to do with a single text in the book of Genesis.
1-21- And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. After their kind? What does this mean? Were there other types of beings on this planet helping” the creator god” cultivate this planet? It seems to be my conclusion for now.  As we go back to what the Dogon say about Sirius B, that it holds all the seeds of the universe. I often ask myself, where did this mythology of Mermaids, and serpent like creatures of the water come from, The Nommo possibly? Do the creatures that live in our oceans today come from somewhere else? I would like to present a short version of a mythological tale past down since the beginning of the Dogon’s excistance , The tale of Ogo, and the impure fox.
Ogo was known as imperfect, the meddler, the outcast, a tainted being who’s creation was rebelled and remained unfinished, for Ogo to become a pure Nommo, Ogo dies and is resurrected as a sacrifice for us, crucified on a tree. This seems to be equivalent to Lucifer in western Christianity.  It seems to me the “Ogo, is mankind itself, imperfect, the meddler, the outcast. Are we an unfinished race that rebelled at our creator? Through the Sumerian tablets, and other creation myths we did just that, but why? The Dogon seem to hold out hope of 'redemption' just as Jesus Christ did in his great message to the world.  The simularites with what the Dogon say and Christianity are extremely parallel. Is the book of Genesis just a dumbed down version of how the earth was really created and where we came to become now here in present day, a race that sees but cannot see,a suppressed race of beings which has obtained a lack of consciousness?  This now brings me to the million dollar question! Why do the Dogon represent their beliefs and entire religious structure on another star system, two stars which are not visible in our night skies, and not our own?

1 comment:

  1. Future journalist, good. Don´t fall into the closed international press that suppresses the truth about everything. They are the biggest liars in history apart from other academic liars, archaeologists & religious followers..
    Believe in the Dogon tribe ancient visitations from Sirius, thrn do not trust anyone. They are here and have come back that look like nosemen (blonde, blue eyes and light blood hair) to suck our blood through the nose!!!
