Wednesday, July 20, 2011

UfO's and The Ancient Astronaut Theory

The UFO phenomenon is one of a kind, there is nothing like it, because it cannot be explained.  Through the 20th century and now 11 years in the 21st century there has been thousands upon thousands of reports from, military personal, airline pilots and traffic control employees, police officers, government officials, and everyday citizens like myself. Though it is obvious through many debates, video evidence, obvious governmental cover – ups, and valid retired military personal of all divisions coming “ out of the closet “ as well as our own United States astronauts , mankind seems to share a common question, are there extraterrestrial vehicles sharing our skies with us? I believe YES! There are too many written reports of out of this world spacecraft and abductions, for us as a whole to no longer ignore, or brush the idea off our shoulders.  These reports do not just come out of the United States, but from countries all over the world explaining very similar craft and abduction experiences. The famous Roswell crash in 1947, pretty much the most famous account of an alien presence on this planet, has had generations debating and speculating on the incident for decades.  I will get into this and many other accounts in my later blogs.
In 2010 I began to do research on this phenomenon and quicky learned that I do not need a Government official as well as President Barack Obama to tell me alien beings from another world or dimension are real. It is not just the past century that man has discovered this phenomenon, but extraterrestrial contact has been going on all over the world since the beginning of time on this planet. The evidence is all around us, and some of us are slowly rediscovering this. This topic of study is called the Ancient Astronaut Theory.
Ancient cultures all over the world, from the Sumerians, to the Mayan and American Indian, as well as the Dogon tribe of Mali Africa, and many others tell us of "gods" decending from the heavens and teaching mankind civilization and various disciplines.  These cultures who are spread accross the globe depict startling simularities between these beings, such as them being white skinned and having beards. Is this why our western religions such as christianity famously depict the divine GOD of being a white man with a beard? Another stange phenomenon, one that archaeologists seem to stray from is that how are there pyramids built  all over the world, when these cultures across the ocean had no imediate contact? Was it a worldwide  consciousness? Or did this idea come from a single source? It is still today not explained. One thing can be said is that it would be extremely hard to duplicate some of these megaliths today, such as the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

Another stange fact is the findings of many cave drawings by ancient man all over the world depicting what we would call astrounauts today, and also strange looking beings.  Most scholars say it was them depicting mythical gods, but it seems more plausable that they where drawing what they accually saw back then. Remember ancient man would not have the frame of reference that we do today. Also these cave depictions had drawings of possible space craft.

(Cave drawing found in France)

(Ancient Aborigionee cave drawing, Australia)

( Sahara desert, North Africa 600bc)

I have come to two conclusions, either mankind had a high tech civilization at one point,( which is not scientificly proven), or we must of had a high tech extraterestial civilization from our remote past visiting us. There are many more cave drawings that can be found on the web, remember google is your friend!
This is my first post on this website and I just wanted to put out a little intoduction to what this blog page is going to be mostly about. The next post I will get into detail of the Sumerian civilization, the cradle of mankind of what most archaeologists  and anthropologists conclude. I believe that these artifacts, scrolls, and depitctions left behind should be looked into with the lense of the Ancient Astronaut Theory on a mass scientific scale. Through archaeology, anthropology, geology, physics, biology, geographgy, genetics, and religion. Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? If mankind could one day answer these three questions of our past, we would have a better understanding of how we need to progress in the future.


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